Cheers Fat I Doubt
When the word “fat” comes to anyone’s hearing, it causes nausea or heaviness, that we are urged to banish/ban it from our diet or maybe/even from our whole life.
Today, all I am going to talk about is “fats”, in order to change some of the myths we have in our minds.
First of all, I would like to talk about why do we need fats!
There is a real pure scientific proof that fats are important for our health.
Your life and your body starts from a “Cell”, this cell is the source of life, because it includes everything, it has your genes, power and health etc.…
This cell contains protein, fats and carbohydrates.
Deep within this part, “fats” are one of the main parts of the cell, so the cell will not function fully/properly without the molecules of these fats.
Your life is a circle; it begins with the sun, to the plant and then to you. The sun gives life to the plants which gives you the food that you absorb/take its fats, proteins and carbohydrates, to have the life you live.
“Fat is needed to build cell membranes, the vital exterior of each cell, and the sheaths surrounding nerves. It is essential for blood clotting, muscle movement, and inflammation” Harvard health publication
But what I am saying here is that not all fats are healthy and I will discuss below how to choose and what to choose,
to make it easier for you without getting engaged in too much science talks.
There are steps in order to get good sources of fats and at the same time you will live healthier with a good quality of life:
While you are shopping,
grab the product you need and turn it over to read its ingredients label:
1- If you find “saturated fat”, just throw it and run away!;
2- If you find a “monounsaturated” or “polyunsaturated”, (“better”) then here is the first step to the best fats sources for your healthy lifestyle.
Briefly, let’s shed some light on each one of them and give examples of items that include such type of fats:
Saturated fat: The “evil” fat source, is the one that we should be scared of. It is mostly used in every junk food restaurants and street food, which we call it “solid” fats.
This type is fully hydrogenated as it full of hydrogen atoms, which are very risky to badly increase your cholesterol LDL, and blocks the blood streams which cause heart diseases and increase the inflammations.
Monounsaturated fat: The healthy fat source, it is a simple healthy fat, given that it doesn’t have any atoms of hydrogen, as if you dip a bread in a plate of oil in Italian restaurant, at that moment you are eating healthy fat, you can get this fat from avocados, olive oil, canola, Peanut oil and nuts.
Polyunsaturated fat: A healthier source of fat because coz it doubles the bond of carbon with no hydrogen atoms. You can find it in salmon, corn, safflower, soybean and cottonseed oil.
Also be away from refined carbohydrates, sugars and starches.
“To remove mind fat you will need to take away belly fat and build a strong body, to have a perfect shape with a healthy mind”
By: Ahmed El-Badawy “Founder of The Fit One”
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